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Pre-Approval Accelerates the Buying Process

mortgage financing pre-approval

Pre-approval for financing is the single most important step in purchasing your new home. It tells sellers that you are ready and able to submit serious offers, which in turn makes them more enthusiastic about negotiating with you.

Tim will walk you through the process and match you with the best rate and terms for your unique situation. Even if your finances or credit make it difficult for you to purchase today, his promise is to put you on a path to purchase your home within just six months.

These days, most listings ask for pre-approval letters because the seller only wants to spend time with buyers who are actually prepared to buy. Simply put, we cannot overstate the benefits of taking this important first step.

As a licensed mortgage broker, Tim has access to the lowest rates and best terms on the market.

Get Pre-Qualified for a New Home Loan or Refinance Now! There’s No Obligation.


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New Changes to the HARP Program

harp.gov logo

HARP, or Home Affordable Refinance Program, allows homeowners facing difficulties refinancing their mortgage through conventional methods to apply for a refinance of their mortgage. A homeowner that is current with their monthly payments but unable to refinance due to a drop in the value is the typical prime candidate for the HARP program. The ultimate goal is to allow a homeowner to do a mortgage refinance for a lower interest rate and overall monthly payment.

Click here to learn more about HARP.
